
Our aim

The Associazione Gaetano Marzotto is aimed at the young, at the new Italy, at those who believe that change is possible, in order to help them find or invent new paths for recuperating the historical heritage of the founder and for renewing his vision in the contemporary context.


The Premio Gaetano Marzotto

We are searching for new businesspeople and constructors of the future who are able to combine innovation, business and society, and award them with a prize money of over a million Euros. We back the most promising business projects by creating opportunities for joining together the ecosystem of innovation and the Italian industrial and productive system.


Competition for schools

We listen to the voices of the younger generations in order to understand the needs of tomorrow. We award the students and schools of the province of Vicenza with scholarships of up to 5,000 Euros. We devote each edition to a specific theme that has the aim of showing the students our current national and international situation.


The Italian Book of Innovators

Una Italia inaspettata e vivace in un libro guida che la rappresenta attraverso gli occhi di un vasto network di aziende, investors, giornalisti, angels, università, acceleratori, incubators, associazioni. Tutti al lavoro per il nostro presente estremo: il futuro. This is Italia. 2018.